Session 1
Free the tissue surrounding the rib cage and lengthen the front line of the chest, resulting in feelings of lightness and well-being, a more upright posture and fuller, deeper breathing.
Session 2
Focus on the body’s foundation, the lower legs and feet, which brings a sense of being firmly grounded and in touch with reality.
Session 3
Lengthen the sides of the body and free the shoulders, so breathing can expand for greater relaxation and more immediately available energy.
Session 4, 5, and 6
Adjust and lengthen the center line, or core, that runs vertically through the body. After these sessions, walking takes a fraction of the energy typically expended, with improved balance and freedom of movement.
Session 7
Release the muscles of the neck, face and head. Results in a more softened, relaxed face. Increases self-reliance, personal power, and creativity.
Session 8 and 9
Integrate the whole body in a new and more efficient manner. Energy and vitality increase as the body’s structure becomes more aligned and balanced in gravity.
Session 10/Arm session
Releases and differentiates myofascia of hands and arms. Further balances the scapula and clavicle; re-educates the movement of the arms, which in turn reinforce support through the torso.
Session 11
Further integrates the whole body, giving the joints more freedom, allowing fluidity to stream through the body.