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Massage Therapy May Relieve Chronic Headaches Without Medication

massage_headache_062016_640It’s estimated that nearly half of the adult population suffers from at least one headache per year. This makes them among the most common types of central nervous system disorders, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). While some cases of headaches minor, others are more severe and debilitating. Regardless of the severity of your headaches, however, massage therapy may offer a safe and effective solution.

What About Medication?

Unfortunately, we live in a society that’s fixated on treating diseases and health problems with medication. Don’t get me wrong, certain types of medication can prove invaluable in treating adverse health conditions, but there are times when they do more harm than good. continue reading »

Massage Therapy for Relief of Osteoarthritis

Do you suffer from osteoarthritis? You aren’t alone. According to some estimates, roughly 3.8% of the world’s population has this disease. Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis and degenerative joint disease, is characterized by the degradation of protective cartilage and bone within the joints. While there’s no known cure for osteoarthritis, massage therapy may offer relief of the pain and symptoms it causes. continue reading »

Study: Massage Therapy May Relieve Back Pain

training-828741-back-painIf you suffer from back pain and are finding that drugs like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are becoming the norm in your daily routine, consider trying massage therapy as a drug-free alternative. According to a new study conducted by researchers at the College of Health at the University of Utah, massage therapy, when started at the first signs of back pain, can help offer relief. (source).

For the study, researchers closely monitored around 200 patients over the course of one year who had recently complained of lower back pain. Half of the patients were assigned to massage therapy, while the other half received no form of treatment. Researchers found that massage therapy did in fact yield a modest benefit to the participants’ back pain. continue reading »

The Benefits of Massage Therapy for Seniors

hands-981400_640Massage therapy isn’t just for the younger generation; seniors can benefit from it too. Whether it’s to fight arthritis or promote better sleep at night, there are a number of reasons why seniors should seek massage therapy. Below is a closer look at some of the top benefits of massage therapy for seniors. continue reading »

Benefits of After-Workout Massage Therapy

abdominal-1203880_640While many people seek massage for its relaxing benefits, it can also prove useful for bodybuilders, athletes, and other physically active men and women. To learn more about massage therapy and the benefits it offers after working out, keep reading.

Reduces Inflammation

When you work out – particularly strength training exercises – your muscles become inflamed. This is a direct response to the stress the muscles undertake while working out.  Massage therapy has been proven to reduce inflammation associated with exercise.

“What massage seems to do is … it reduces the inflammatory response as a function of the damage you incurred while you’re exercising,” said Simon Melov, a molecular biologist at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. continue reading »

Massage Therapy May Offer Relief for Cancer Patients

It’s estimated that between 40-50% of the U.S. population will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. While breast cancer is the most common type, others may include colon/rectal, endometrial, kidney, leukemia, lung, melanoma (skin), pancreatic, prostate and more. However, a new study suggests that massage therapy may offer both physical and psychological relief for the millions of men and women who have been diagnosed with cancer. continue reading »

Top 7 Benefits of Massage Therapy

153 - Top 7 Benefits of Massage Therapy#1) Relieves Stress

This is something from which we can all benefit. According to a poll conducted by the National Public Radio, nearly half of respondents (49%) said they had experienced at least one “major stressful event” in the past year, with health problems being the most common cause of stress. Whether your stress is caused by health, finances, occupation, relationships, or just everyday worries, massage therapy can help. It’s been proven to relieve stress after just a single session.

#2) Promotes Healthy Posture

When you walk, stand or sit in ways that are unnatural, it can lead to curvature of the spine. If left untreated, the curvature will become more pronounced, possibly resulting in pain and limited range of motion. Massage therapy will work to strengthen the muscles needed for healthy posture. continue reading »

What is Trigger Point Massage Therapy?

152 - What is Trigger Point Massage TherapyNot to be confused with pressure point massage, trigger point is a special type of massage therapy that involves the manual manipulation of specific areas throughout the body (known as trigger points) to relieve myofascial pain. By stimulating these trigger points, it forces contracted muscle fibers to relax; thus, treating the problems associated with chronic muscle tension. To learn more about trigger point massage therapy and the unique benefits it offers, keep reading. continue reading »

Top Massage Therapy Oils

coconuts-575780_400Coconut Oil

Derived from the extracted kernel of mature coconuts, coconut oil has become an increasingly popular oil for massage therapy. It’s highly moisturizing, offers great relaxation, and has medium absorption. All of these characteristics make it an attractive choice for massage therapy.

Keep in mind, however, that coconut oil has a melting point of 75 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning the room in which the massage is taking place must be at least this warm. If the temperature is below 75 degrees Fahrenheit, coconut oil will revert to a solid state, making it next-to-impossible to use for massage therapy purposes. continue reading »

The Effects of Muscle Tension and How Massage Can Help

massage-1015568_640Many people brush off muscle tension as being nothing more than the body’s response to stress, assuming it has no real impact on their health. But the truth is that muscle tension, especially chronic cases that persist for weeks or months on end, can affect the body in more ways than just one. continue reading »